Sunday, August 5, 2007

Which Toys Not To Get For Your Daycare

Running your own day care center can be a very lucrative opportunity. A lot of women have become financially independent and are making a lot of money with their day care business. If you take the time, make the effort, and do the right things, you too can open a day care center and earn a great income.

But a day care, as any business, needs some investment. One of the things a day care needs are toys. You need toys in order to keep the kids occupied. Otherwise, you'll have to spend all your time and energy interacting with them which will quickly become too tiring. Besides, one of the first things a parent who will come to check out your day care center will look for are the quantity and quality of toys.

You need to take some time to buy the right toys. More importantly, you need to consider which kinds of toys not to buy.

Which kind of toys you should never get for your day care center?

Here are a few examples:

1. Flammable Toys: There should never be any fire at or around your day care center, but still, why take the risk? Flammable toys are an invitation for trouble and there is no justification in getting them.

2. Toys small enough to swallow: Small children have a tendency to place things in their mouth. Many children have choked on small objects they found around their house of day care cenetrs. Don't become part of that tragic statistic. You have to keep your day care center safe for the children. Don't buy any toys which are small enough to put into a child's mouth.

3. Toys for older kids: There's no sense in buying Sony Play Station for a 3 year old. Most toys have the age range to which they are intended written on the cover. Before buying any toys make sure that they fit the age group of the children you'll have in your day care center.

4. Hard surface toys: In order to avoid injury, buy mostly soft cover toys. Small children can get into fights and they can strike each other with whatever they're holding at that moment. A hard surface toy can be very painful. It can also cause an injury. The safety of the children in your day care is your first priority. Keep your hard surface toys to a select minimum.

Don't worry, you can get a lot of fun toys for your day care center. It doens't need to be a big investment or take too long. Just follow my tips and you'll do fine.

How TO Make Your Daycare Safe

Before you open your daycare center you need to make sure it will be a safe environment for the children you'll care for. Many women have turned their daycare businesses into mega-income ventures. You can do so too. But think of your daycare business as a building. You need to build good foundations for the building to stand. If you build the good foundations of your daycare center, it will be a massive success.

One of the most important foundations of a daycare center is creating a safe surrounding for the children. You should place the wellbeing of the children at the top of your priorities. It's not hard to safe proof your daycare center. If you follow these few tips, your day care will be much much safer and readier for business.

Here are some steps you must take in order to make your day care a safe place:

1. Remove flammable materials. Of course you can't remove everything that may catch fire, but anything you do get rid of is one thing less which can cause a problem.

2. Make sure you have a small fire extinguisher near by. It doesn't have to be a big one, and it doesn't cost a lot. Just make sure the fire extinguisher is handy.

3. Remove anything which is poisonous. This includes any detergents or cleaning chemicals. Remove all insecticide canisters as well. Children have a way of getting hold of things. It wouldn't be wise to give them the chance.

4. Cover every sharp surface with some soft covering material. For instance, if you have a table, make sure the corners are taped over with something soft. Children have a tendency to run into things and they are much shorter than us. You can then throw a map over the table so no one will see the soft covering and the table will look great. Do the same with other furniture.

Before you open your new daycare center, take a look around and make sure that there are no danger spots. It shouldn't take long and it will be well worth it.

For more tips and info on how to start a profitable daycare, I recommend using one of these guides: StartingADayCare or StartingADayCareCenter